Neutral Journal :|

It seems very important to know if you're doing something because it's cathartic or if you're doing something because you want validation OR if you're doing something because you want attention.

I have a big gallery of landscapes and pretty gardens I've visited and I should probably make it available under a creative commons license or something. The photos aren't anything wildly creative, and they were taken with a phone camera, but... I don't know, I'm sure someone might find a use for them, and it'd be a pity if I randomly died and the photos were just left unseen on a hard drive until they were eventually destroyed.
Currently reading:
la belle sauvage, philip pullmn

Oh sure dark mode seems like a good idea until you decide to use your laptop in bright daylight and YOU CANNOT SEE FOR SHIT.
Currently reading:
the alignment problem, ben christian

You have to be so ruthless with how you give your time and attention. You have to budget your frickin emotions.

Currently reading:
i have america surrounded, john higgs
the testament of gideon mack, james robertson
jerusalem, alan moore
